ERE 2008, seriously rocks!

Left to right: Alfons Boltjes, Bolwork, Peer Goudsmit, Peersearch, Geert-Jan Waasdorp, Intelligence Group, Marko Hol, HRP Consult, Gordon Lokenberg, InterimRS

We all like to thank everybody who attended this ERE expo. It was awesome, you were great!

AVATAR is who you are?

Just a short posting today,

For a lot of people on the web, is being yourself, still….

Therefor the avatar has been created.

Of course what you would like to express with an avatar could be everything.
You could use a business like one or a personal one, or a more fantasy one (like above).

Most important, so I think, stay close to who you are.
And use a proper avatar.
That means your face when it’s about you, fantasy when it’s about fun or games and you could use your company logo, if it is about the company…

What does your avatar look like?

How many “job changers” a year are out there?

In a research on where to put your cv when looking for a new job I stumbled upon a research “Global Employment Trends 2008” of the International Labour Organization.

Reading this research I found an unemployment figure for last year, 2007, of 32.1 million in the “Developed economies and EU”.

hmm interesting I thought.

So 32,1 mln don’t have a job and might be looking for one…

But how about the people that are employed and are also looking for or might be interested in a new job?

Probably we don’t have an answer to that.

Maybe the amount of people that really do change jobs could give us an indication?

Who does have an answer?

Recruiting via Microblog, Twitter

Why did I not create this???
Well I am not an inventor, I love to mash up techniques and technologies which are already out there. Guys, Well done!

Some thoughts about Social Networks, “community tired?”

A few times last month people were asking me about the future of social networks.
What will it be?

I read a lot about interaction online, as we talk here about “online social networks”.
People invite me for a lot of different networks on a weekly basis.

If we are counting the amount of Social Networks.. You can’t really, count them anymore.

An de Jonghe, Belgium, gave a broad overview in her book “Social Networks around The World” on what is happening out there. (read it!)

Currently my view is: we all like to have our own “online social network”, but are we not getting “community tired”?

What I mean by that:
All corporates like to have their own Social Network. Every event, likes to have its own Social Network. Every…. likes to have its own Social Network.

Of course it is good for creating Brand awareness, good for connecting to Alumni, good to connect to Customers, and of course to connect with own (future) employees. And once connected, you have an easy way of interact.
And yes it is a good forum to interact and share ideas.

But where a Social Network related to a Brand, was an extra 25 years ago, it now seems to be commodity.

You have a Social Network so you are, like I twitter therefor I am or I blog therefor I am.

Growing a Social Network is not easy either anymore.
But with tricks like: invite all your connections from “Plaxo”, “Linkedin” or “MSN”, to this new network, there will always be a kind of migration from one to another Social Network. Ah, and don’t forget OpenID

Next thing will be: let your network live… Most of the times you will see a network get more used, more attractive when there is lots of interaction between the members, Online but even more important OFFline.