Vote for me! Most Influential Recruiter 2015

The other day  Glenn Gutmacher asked me to translate the official Voting site for all my friends outside of the Netherlands 🙂

Well there is a tool for that… Currently a voting contest is going on to become the Most Influential Recruiter 2015 in the Netherlands, actually the contest is how to get as many votes as possible, once you have been nominated… So yes… They pushed me to win this contest… To win, I need your votes… I could win the overall competition and also in the Agency category… Although People Sourcing Crew is a different breed among the agencies. I hope you feel like to contribute to this weird competition by voting for Gordon Lokenberg and make me win the award!

Here we have the voting site in English

If that doesn’t work for you, try the original (Dutch) link.…

This why I got nominated: (Dutch) “Er zijn weinig sourcende recruiters die niet ooit een sourcing workshop of training van Gordon hebben gevolgd. Hij weet al jarenlang alle tips en trucs die er ook maar zijn om iemand online te vinden uit te vogelen en over te brengen. Zijn grootste probleem is misschien zelfs dat hij lastige materie er te makkelijk uit laat zien. Door de organisatie van (12! edities van) TruAmsterdam zorgt hij er twee keer per jaar voor dat iedereen die hart voor het prachtige recruitment vak heeft kennis kan delen, kan netwerken en het vakgebied professioneler is geworden: dat kun je met recht Invloedrijke recruiter noemen. Ten slotte is hij in een jaar tijd van een eenmansoperatie gegroeid naar een volwassen sourcing bedrijf met twaalf collega’s van uiteenlopende achtergronden. Ik denk dat hij zichzelf nog het meest verbaast door te laten zien dat hij een goede manager is, die z’n collega’s vertrouwen geeft en tot hecht team laat groeien.”

PS…… Sorry for the spam, it kills my reputation… But I would love to have your vote 🙂 kind a like: Okay, let’s get this one in.


Patrick , Thank you for the nomination! Next time you go after the votes 🙂

#swvi Marc de Vries, Hyves

Marc de Vries, CEO hyves.

Recruitment in Social Media and what to do with Hyves.

Your profile on Hyves tells others who you are and what you do.
Social Media: to share… and be yourself, don’t hide behind your company logo… Don’t centralize, Distribute!

Nice to know, in Holland
Hyves , 6,9 mln users
Linkedin, 1 mln users
Twitter, 50 K users

75% internet users do visit Social Networking sites….

Hyves and Recruitment:
Communicate, Share Social Content, Your Identity
But isn’t Hyves for children only? NO, 57+% is 13yrs and older of which in the age of 20-34yrs 80,5% is on Hyves! Okay, clear, we can recruit on Hyves.

Posted using

But how? Tell us what to do?
First of the Poll: Do you mind, me recruiting you via Hyves
63% says you can recruit me via Hyves, via Friend 11% and 52% come and get me!

How to:
Corporate Communication, Build you brand tell your story and engage
Targeted Communication

Tip, use your own network on Hyves to recruit, for free.

Marc thanks for your clear view on how to use Hyves!

Why use a tiny URL?

URLs are nowadays crucial for Recruitment.

The URL is the place where you offer your Apply NOW button, where you tell your audience how good and successful you already are, and will become better if YOU join us…url-uniform-resource-locator

All the activities online are to create the best traffic to your URL, your site, your landing page.

So why take the chance people don’t get the message?

Often the message you like to leave in Forums or Blog comments or other types of Social networking sites is too long….
Long URL often break in e-mails and than this happens:

You can create shorter URLs that do not break in e-mails and are short enough to use in web 2.0 platforms via these tools: since 1999

Even some of these tools, do come with free statistics of the usage of the URL you created… Why bother? This way you can use different short URLs in different comments and check what comment brought you the most.
Well if you want to know more about analytics and how to use them in recruitment check out:

Enjoy your traffic!

RCE day 3, Social Networks Around the World

Panel discussion, live streaming


Panel session is moderated by An de Jonghe, Ulysses Consulting. Panelists: Isabelle Noir, Viadeo, Peter Gold, Hire Strategies, Ricardo Risamasu,, Paul Harisson, Carve Consulting.

The conclusion I can make, is that the audience is still afraid to go out there and the panelists are trying to make them feel comfortable. Good stuff.