About Google Data ….

Fun post!

Google data is “our data” and the data centers are state-of-art and we sourcers like to explore every public bit of data.

Well have a look around and see what kind of coolness they keep up and running for us:

Or check these Top Secret data centres on The Telegraph

Now of course you like to find out more about security, well here in this link you’ll see how the take care of that..

Now you know everything about Google data… You even might want to start using Google yourself, well if you don’t exactly know how to: start by using this service. You’ll be fine.

#swvi Sarah Neels, Google

Sarah Neels is opening the event Successful Recruitment via Internet with a nice overview on what Google does.
In her presentation she shows us that Google is the nr. 5 site in Holland for Jobseekers.
Using Google and its tools you have an employer wonderful opportunities to reach the jobseekers. Ever thought of an Adwords campaign?
What about Youtube, the site where visitors stay 3 times longer than on a regular jobboard.. Why not use video to attract your future employees? Create your own channel like KPMG and many others already did in youtube.

I will let you know if the whole presentation will be available.

Takeaways from this presentation: Succes in Online you’ll get with:
1 SEO, 2 SEM 3 On and Offline,
4 Measurable 5 Be there with your audience, 6 Innovate

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Sarah, thank you for your presentation, I will quote you in our Trainings at Rise

RCE day 3, The changing media environment

Luke McKend, Industry Head Careers, Google

Starts with PWC youtube example. Is this okay, yes, use it!
Changing the media environment is not something we need to discuss, it is something that is happening.
Does this immediately result into hiring.. No probably not but it is increasing engagement, in terms of engaging to the employer brand.

Google is not only about search, it gives you the possibility to create insight in what is happening to your brand, how people think about it, if it is attractive, how people find you etc.
check out labs.google.com

In the past 6 months Jobsearch via Searchengines in the UK has increased by 60%

Discussing adwords for jobs, people like to have a choice when they click trough. So Luke is telling us not use the specific job description, less people will click… Yep, I agree, but the people that will click are seriously interested. The choice they made already on the Google resultpage and you informed them well in your adword. (you should check out how toading works)

Luke has given us the insight in Google and it’s possibilities lot us out there haven’t seen before.
Therefor I stopped blogging for a while. I seem to do that, when the topic is cool stuff, Luke thanks for sharing this today!