Recruitment 2.0 do it now!

Last week I wrote about the best job in the world

This week they,, made up a shorlist of only 50 applicants out of 34K applicants.

On this shortlist there are a lot of US and Canadian, but also Iris, our Dutch Student. I think only because of the fact that she made it to this list … She should go all the way down there.

But Iris needs help from us, Recruiters. We need to vote for her!

Voting for Iris means you are working on a recruitment project which generated over 30K applicants in the first round of selection. Now the shortlist has been set at only 50 applicants, Iris is the one from the Netherlands. She knows what to do.. So get her the job… Vote now! You will experience worlds most succesful Recruitment 2.0 project of 2009!

Why I am writing about this… Because I like what is happening down there and I like the fact that a Dutch girl can get this job.

Twitter and other Social- 2.0- recruitment

Since I joined Twitter, 1,5yr ago, a lot of Q&A stuff on recruitment I received in my Twitter account.
Tweets like this one:

Or this one:

Today I got another tweet about Recruitment: for the Tourism Queensland, Australia

The best job ever is presented here, 34K applicants!!! (on Feb 24)

It shows the power of 2.0 recruitment. It shows the interactions, you can rate the applicant; it shows the power of a viral marketing campaign; it shows how video recruitment can be done. It also shows the power of mashup of techniques and technologies.


And yes, bloggers write about it.

Roadmap to Online Recruitment Succes

In the following presentation I wrote down the first steps a recruiter could take for successful internet recruiting.

Examples of each step to take, I did not put in there. There are everywhere already. If you’d like to see those as well, let me know.