Vote for me! Most Influential Recruiter 2015

The other day  Glenn Gutmacher asked me to translate the official Voting site for all my friends outside of the Netherlands 🙂

Well there is a tool for that… Currently a voting contest is going on to become the Most Influential Recruiter 2015 in the Netherlands, actually the contest is how to get as many votes as possible, once you have been nominated… So yes… They pushed me to win this contest… To win, I need your votes… I could win the overall competition and also in the Agency category… Although People Sourcing Crew is a different breed among the agencies. I hope you feel like to contribute to this weird competition by voting for Gordon Lokenberg and make me win the award!

Here we have the voting site in English

If that doesn’t work for you, try the original (Dutch) link.…

This why I got nominated: (Dutch) “Er zijn weinig sourcende recruiters die niet ooit een sourcing workshop of training van Gordon hebben gevolgd. Hij weet al jarenlang alle tips en trucs die er ook maar zijn om iemand online te vinden uit te vogelen en over te brengen. Zijn grootste probleem is misschien zelfs dat hij lastige materie er te makkelijk uit laat zien. Door de organisatie van (12! edities van) TruAmsterdam zorgt hij er twee keer per jaar voor dat iedereen die hart voor het prachtige recruitment vak heeft kennis kan delen, kan netwerken en het vakgebied professioneler is geworden: dat kun je met recht Invloedrijke recruiter noemen. Ten slotte is hij in een jaar tijd van een eenmansoperatie gegroeid naar een volwassen sourcing bedrijf met twaalf collega’s van uiteenlopende achtergronden. Ik denk dat hij zichzelf nog het meest verbaast door te laten zien dat hij een goede manager is, die z’n collega’s vertrouwen geeft en tot hecht team laat groeien.”

PS…… Sorry for the spam, it kills my reputation… But I would love to have your vote 🙂 kind a like: Okay, let’s get this one in.


Patrick , Thank you for the nomination! Next time you go after the votes 🙂

You might want to call ‘m on mobile!

Talking Mobile and Recruiting here,

This week I started reading the Tomi T Ahonen Almanac 2010

And wow, that is good reading.

In the almanac Tomi Ahonen starts with the numbers and they are massive:

4.6 billion subscribers on mobile versus approx 1.2 billion landlines…
All the stats on mobile are climbing year over year for the past 10 years.

And if you compare these figures with like people that have internet acces via PC or with cars on the road or people with a backaccount, or tv sets out there, the numbers according to mobile usage still win..

So mobile is here to stay or not? Thought you might say yes to that one. But what do all these numbers actually tell us.

Well they do tell us that half of the world population is near a mobile phone and able to pick it up when it rings or bleeps.

Back to basics in recruiting

So if you are into recruiting and thinking Recruitment went “mobile” and into social networks and stuff, like I usually write about on this blog. You also see you are still able to pick up the phone and just call somebody as ask him to work at your company.

An example where you might integrate your social media search into recruitment calls here is an opening you might want to use, I heard it yesterday and I like it, soooo easy:

“Hi I found your profile on Facebook and I was wondering if it could be possible to call somebody I found on the internet and actually get him on the phone!… Well it seems to work….”

Oh uhm, they might hang up on you as well of course.
Good luck!