Marco Tempest: The magic of truth and lies (and iPods) via #TEDX

Still Recruiting via Mobile seems a magical thing, something unconventional.

Mobile Recuruitingcamp, #mrec, last month in San Francisco proved otherwise
Check out this news item on ABClocal

Below, what happened a month before at TedX, featuring Marco Tempest.

Enjoy the show, which I think is fenomenal!

Mobile Recruitment… here to stay

2011 is a brand new year,

A lot of things will happen in the recruitment area… We even might be recruiting in outer space because of lack of skilled people on earth…

Recruiting in outer space

What will happen this year is a further expansion in Mobile recruiting.

With the launch of mobile recruiting apps back in 2008, recruiting via Mobile has been evolving. Nowadays a recruiter is not up to date if he has not implemented Mobile in his marketing plans for 2011.

The recruiter has had over 2 years to think of his own mobile strategy..

– Why Mobile
– What is possible on Mobile
– Where to market my mobile recruiting features
– What will happen if we start using mobile recruiting

Of course many different thoughts around this, and also possibilities are limited to the carrier you need to work with in terms of dataplans and other stuff that limit internet usage.

The coolest thing with Mobile is that a recruiter can have his employer brand in their pocket

Worst thing about Mobile
: to start having doubts about it “I worry, will people start using my app?”

Get this clear:
What is your goal in using mobile for recruitment
Are you aiming for direct hires?
Are you building on your brand awareness?
Would you like to keep ‘m up to date on what is happening in your company?
Would you like to let ‘m job snack during travel time?

What technologies can I combine in using Mobile

If you like Text (sms) start with promoting: send #job to 4141 or push jobs
If you like Mobile web: check out on
If you like Apps: download coolestjobapp in one of the appstores
If you like QR: post one offline and get them to your job site instantly
If you like NFC: put your jobs in the window and let people that walk by pick ‘m up
If you like Bluetooth: use it on e.g. job fairs
If you like CheckIns: post your job tips in tools like Foursquare
If you like IRL: become mobile yourself and go out and meet people in person
If you like AR: create your brand experience in Layar’s Mobile Augmented Reality
If you like Facetime: think of mobile video
If you like Guerilla: Get out of your seat and make it happen!
If you like Innovation… Mash up… Create something new.. and tell me about it.

If you are thinking mobile recruiting is going nowhere:
do visit … See you!

ERE 2008, The future of recruiting is in the cloud

What happened today?

Jason Warner, Conference Chair, opened with an overview of Time Magazine frontpages over the years, all spot on what is happening today in World economy. 

Jan Hopkins, first keynote speaker discussed what does economy do with us and what is hapening in recruitment. The example like not being able to relocate, because you can’t sell your house, there are no buyers and so on. Very interesting overview, with all the things happening out there.

Kevin Wheeler, gave an insight in the global recruitment issues. One thing for sure, in recruitment we need to go more global! And of course train our labourmarket. Shortage on skills will keep on growing. In two weeks I will meet Kevin Wheeler again in Amsterdam at the Global Recruitment conference. I will go on blogging about this topic than. It is very on topic and part of your Recruitment Focus.

About the FUTURE… 

Michael Marlatt is an Evangelist, actually what I do, he does in English, and is even more throwing sites to you to use than I ever did. He is good!
His presentation was about how to use the web as being a recruiter. Today a lot of tools and techniques are being showed to us. And the question is what do we, THE recruiters, do with it.

His opinion about this is focus and get SMART,

Synchronize, Mobilize, Appropriately equiped, RSS enabled, Tuned in.

Being Smart means move on, technology does, why don’t you? So you used to have all your docs etc., on your desktop, than you moved it all to your laptop, now use your webtop!

Get your gear into the CLOUD, by using all the webapps that are easy to use for you
I am not going to name all the sites he mentioned, to many 🙂

But here are some good ones to start with: 

It has been a wonderfull day again #ERE Expo