RCE day 3, New ideas and implications

for the 21st Century Staffing!

Kevin Wheeler
Do you need to change to stay successful over the next 5-10 years?
What needs to change?
Giving up control…
Respect, we need to show…Learn to become transparent… Reality tv is commodity, learn how to cope with that.

We are shifting from Control to Choice, from fixed to flexible.

Recruiters need to wake up! (I’ve heard that one before) We need no to become pro-active, driven by sales and marketing techniques. Ton Rodenburg, ARA, brings the term Talent Marketeer. I like that one as well. It definitely shows that our role as recruiter IS chancing.

What is the primary goal of recruiting?

To have relationship with a qualified candidate who is available and willing to step forward when needed

This session is fully interactive and to be followed live at ere.net and Recruitmentcommunityeurope.com

Of course a lot of new ideas have been discussed, but what do you do with it. Think about it.

Think of “all being said here as if it has been the latest fashion show in Paris”. What they show there they won’t wear in daily live, but it does give lots of inspiration!

Kevin thanks for this inspiring session!

RCE day 1, the workshop: building the employer brand

Today day 1 in RCE Global Recruitment Conference 2008, Amsterdam.

The regular things have been taking care of. Coffee, Internet acces, and of course meeting the workshop leaders of today: Kevin Wheeler, Glenn Guttmacher, Sophy Pern.

Other postings you’ll find on:
–Live streaming on ERE
–Blogpostings on Recruitmentmatters.nl (in Dutch)–


The workshop I will be writing about is “Building the employer brand” with Sophy Pern, People in Business

Defining the Employer Brand:
“Your brand is what people say about you when you leave the room” a quote by Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon.com

Employer Brand management: actively shaping the experience of current and prospective employees.

Employer Branding: long term activity, 3/4 years of building platform and become known and show “them out there” that what you tell them is truth. So you become trusted.

Employer Brand Model:
What is your Core Identity, your corporate brand?
If you have this answer, than translate it to an Employee Value Proposition:
What is your target profile. What is your headline promise? Define attributes, reasons to believe and fine tune all of the above.

HR, Internal Communications, Marketing and Line management are all involved…

To find out about your employer brand, did you check Linkedin, Hyves, Glassdoor.com, Facebook or other Social Media?

An easy start in thinking over your Employer Branding: keep in mind your customer can be your next employee.

How about Recruitment and Employer Branding?

Brand building Recruitment:
Translate employer brand proposition into a recruitment campaign
dramatize you headline proposition
standing out / cutting through
Manage the recruitment experience!

In the end we have to see what has happened after going through this whole exercise…
The numbers, because that is where the money is. Especially during Economic downturn we need to be on top of this.
We can of course measure the candidate experience, by asking them questions, but also in terms of time to hire, number of direct hires. And currently in this era, we measure engagement and retention.
Hmm, how do we keep our Employer Brand budget alive nowadays..
Adjust your main topic from Attraction to Engagement and Motivation?

It has been an interesting overview in how to build your employer brand.
Sophy thank you.

ERE 2008, The future of recruiting is in the cloud

What happened today?

Jason Warner, Conference Chair, opened with an overview of Time Magazine frontpages over the years, all spot on what is happening today in World economy. 

Jan Hopkins, first keynote speaker discussed what does economy do with us and what is hapening in recruitment. The example like not being able to relocate, because you can’t sell your house, there are no buyers and so on. Very interesting overview, with all the things happening out there.

Kevin Wheeler, gave an insight in the global recruitment issues. One thing for sure, in recruitment we need to go more global! And of course train our labourmarket. Shortage on skills will keep on growing. In two weeks I will meet Kevin Wheeler again in Amsterdam at the Global Recruitment conference. I will go on blogging about this topic than. It is very on topic and part of your Recruitment Focus.

About the FUTURE… 

Michael Marlatt is an Evangelist, actually what I do, he does in English, and is even more throwing sites to you to use than I ever did. He is good!
His presentation was about how to use the web as being a recruiter. Today a lot of tools and techniques are being showed to us. And the question is what do we, THE recruiters, do with it.

His opinion about this is focus and get SMART,

Synchronize, Mobilize, Appropriately equiped, RSS enabled, Tuned in.

Being Smart means move on, technology does, why don’t you? So you used to have all your docs etc., on your desktop, than you moved it all to your laptop, now use your webtop!

Get your gear into the CLOUD, by using all the webapps that are easy to use for you
I am not going to name all the sites he mentioned, to many 🙂

But here are some good ones to start with: 

It has been a wonderfull day again #ERE Expo