Why Poken is useful for Recruiters?

As a recruiter with an above average interest in gadgets I got Pokened.

Do You Poken . com
First thoughts when I read about Poken was: wow electronic handshakes… but what about it???

It appears that Poken is a very nice looking device to be carried on your keyring. Via a so called High 4 you’ll be able to exchange data with the other persons Poken.

The data the devices exchange is next to the regular info you put on your business card, the data of your profiles on Social Networks… WOW
Here we go that makes a Poken useful for Recruiters… Or should I do another posting why social networking is useful?

That means you can easily track back where and when you met your new contact and where you can connect in Social Networks like Hi5, Facebook, Hyves Or LinkedIn.

Hmm, not everyone seems to have a Poken yet. Well do something about it. Make sure they are available when you organize a Networking event…

Poken High 4

Poken the movie
More Poken here
Poken is getting big in the Netherlands, check LetsPoke.com

Poken in GoogleMAPS

Note, since there are different Pokens around, people start collecting and exchanging those as well 🙂

Recruitersguild, “het Recruitersgilde”

In the Netherlands we have the Recruitersguild, regularly we meet to discuss off and online recruitment topics, in order to get Recruitment to the next level.

The discussion today is lead by the following presentation:

Recruiting via Microblog, Twitter

Why did I not create this???
Well I am not an inventor, I love to mash up techniques and technologies which are already out there. Guys, Well done!